Farnborough of old

Farnborough of old

Friday 30 July 2010

29 and 30 july 2010

Not very much going on last 2 days so have been working
in the garden but i have to say at times very gingerly
as we have been Plagued by wasps in the house only
to discover 2 nests one on the house the other by my
shed. Very nasty as well so we went to B&q Got some
powder to blast em with . Up a ladder i goes in thick
gloves glasses hat no shorts just tracksuit bottems
and sprayed where they entered the house .yes
they got more upset and yes i got Stung but 24
hours later there gone . the shed well we were
cutting out a tree stump and yes hundreds of
very annoyed wasps .spayed powder on nest and
EXIT area bloody fast . All seems ok now but
not going to check.

Wednesday 28 July 2010


Lovely start to Day bright and sunny.

The BAE-SYS Terminal south 1 apron back in use this morning
with G-TBAE The Warton Shuttle and the Vickers Barrow
beech 200s such as G-CDFY in and out
A twice daily shuttle service thats been operating five days
a week with various types B200 J31 J41 ATP and the 146.

update on XH558 . New brake parts were being fitted but
so far have nt heard it Taxy for trial . Its due display 1615
at RNAS Culdrose this afternoon


XH558 Departed Farnborough picture here at 1436
for Kemble then Culdrose
RT @XH558: Display practice at Kemble complete,

continuing to RNAS Culdrose for display slot of 15:54 :

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Farnborough show or lack of it ? MY View

This debate is going on on our forum but we seem to have drifted
off the real answer so here is my view you may not agree .
Farnborough Airshow is wrongly billed its not an air show as such but a trade Show
with a few hours of Demonstration flying tacked on and for two days it becomes a
general public airshow the likes of which can be seen at many airfields
and joe \jane Public love it Saturday proved that to me.
From the spotters point of view over the years things have got bad with
very few new types to see this year we got to see some even though they
were not at public days but spotters saw them all week goodness knows we gave
them enough information to get here log them.
So let me say Saturday was a very busy day i caught the service bus up no problem
and in just in time for the 318 landing from there you see what was wrong for us
not the visitor unless been before the static park in cases lack of one very poor
from last few shows but the casual visitor was more than happy crowds of people
everywhere and Few moans.
Exhibition was poor and even more was empty but again as a regular it served
my purpose I spent loads of time meeting and chatting to some great people
and we possibly will be having them join us one already has but then the public
view well look at the faces of the many children bags of posters books and more
, happy kids Happy parents . i sat in one area for the display one that you can see
at Biggin , Riat Southend etc etc Vintage and veteran
Flying mixed with A few Fast Jets A380 VULCAN REDS seen them many times but
joe public was Happy warm applause all round.
To Sum it up Farnborough shows will never be the same we all know that but the
public still attend they moan a little about prices but the vast majority of non spotters
went home happy.
All the roads and spaces roundabouts were full of people. People in the town
were talking airshow few moans about Traffic and noise but most said
put up with it and its great to watch so there you are

SPOTTERS NOT HAPPY Yes you can understand that.


Will they be there 2012 you bet your life they will be



Live from TWITTER (folow XH558)

RT @XH558: farnborough :Subject to brake unit being fitted and tested
in the morning, next flight ETD 1400,transit to Culdrose for display

So there is hope


With TV-RADIO -Newpapers raming it down our throats all day today
about the olimpic game is exactly two Years away i fear its going
to end up boring the pants off us.
Farnborough show departures continued with the C17 and JF17
Departing along with the Islanders from the static park.
XH558 Was moved over to the north side no indication as whether
it will be Fixed for its display tomorrow .At time of writing
this things do not good as its still here.
Tag Aviation Traffic getting back to normal steady traffic
all Day

G-ORED Was formally with the Red Devils Parachute team .And was seen
regular in the farnborough and Aldershot Queens avenue Strip . Colour
Scheme then was red.

Monday 26 July 2010

Wetherspoons new Pub

Many of you will have noticed that Wetherspoons have taken units under
the hotel in Victoria Road . Work was well under way but suddenly it
all Stopped We suspect this was due to planning\hours problems.
Noted today that a new licence application has been placed outside
so perhaps work will again Get under way.

Monday 26 july 2010

Cloudy start to the morning with light rain on and off . First day after
the Airshow sees the Aicraft leaving and support aircraft arriving.
A usaf C17 Transport arrived mid morning to collect a helicopter .
Pakistan Airforce C130 Has arrived with support for J-17s.
Great deal of coming and goings not just Airshow aicraft but the
BIZ Traffic in and out of TAG Aviation farnborough uk.
By late afternoon only 3 aircraft remain on the show side

credit Darren on our EMAIL List

For info:
2 x JF-17's are parked to the right of the C130 looking from the Swan.

JF-17 on the Static park

2 x F18's are on the West Apron

The only things left in the show side are N7SJ
OO-EBE, G-CVXN and N208AE are parked on the East apron.

And vulcan XH558 which suffered brake failure and not flown on Sunday
XH558 Parked on east apron on saturday 24th

Sunday 25 July 2010

Airshow end

Well thats the Airshow over for another Two years .Days of thrilling flying displays.

Here the A380 Is pulled along the runway to start the show .Large crowds
attended the public days on Saturday and sunday in high tempertures .
Prices for refreshments as always were very High portion of chips up to Three
pounds and beer three pounds fifty or more tea and coffee two pounds in
some areas.
Flying was good but not up to Displays of old many aicraft listed as being
there left before the public days .

Farnborough now returns to sleep because very little else Ever goes on here.
Our new shopping center has opened without the vast array of shops ,cinemas ,bingo hall and more that had been said to be coming .We thought at time wishful thinking
Just Sainsburys open a new Store . and Poundland In the woolworths old store.
The area near that is still a boarded up area of demolished shops seemingly to be rebuilt in Time.