Farnborough of old

Farnborough of old

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Farnborough show or lack of it ? MY View

This debate is going on on our forum but we seem to have drifted
off the real answer so here is my view you may not agree .
Farnborough Airshow is wrongly billed its not an air show as such but a trade Show
with a few hours of Demonstration flying tacked on and for two days it becomes a
general public airshow the likes of which can be seen at many airfields
and joe \jane Public love it Saturday proved that to me.
From the spotters point of view over the years things have got bad with
very few new types to see this year we got to see some even though they
were not at public days but spotters saw them all week goodness knows we gave
them enough information to get here log them.
So let me say Saturday was a very busy day i caught the service bus up no problem
and in just in time for the 318 landing from there you see what was wrong for us
not the visitor unless been before the static park in cases lack of one very poor
from last few shows but the casual visitor was more than happy crowds of people
everywhere and Few moans.
Exhibition was poor and even more was empty but again as a regular it served
my purpose I spent loads of time meeting and chatting to some great people
and we possibly will be having them join us one already has but then the public
view well look at the faces of the many children bags of posters books and more
, happy kids Happy parents . i sat in one area for the display one that you can see
at Biggin , Riat Southend etc etc Vintage and veteran
Flying mixed with A few Fast Jets A380 VULCAN REDS seen them many times but
joe public was Happy warm applause all round.
To Sum it up Farnborough shows will never be the same we all know that but the
public still attend they moan a little about prices but the vast majority of non spotters
went home happy.
All the roads and spaces roundabouts were full of people. People in the town
were talking airshow few moans about Traffic and noise but most said
put up with it and its great to watch so there you are

SPOTTERS NOT HAPPY Yes you can understand that.


Will they be there 2012 you bet your life they will be


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