Farnborough of old

Farnborough of old

Tuesday 27 July 2010


With TV-RADIO -Newpapers raming it down our throats all day today
about the olimpic game is exactly two Years away i fear its going
to end up boring the pants off us.
Farnborough show departures continued with the C17 and JF17
Departing along with the Islanders from the static park.
XH558 Was moved over to the north side no indication as whether
it will be Fixed for its display tomorrow .At time of writing
this things do not good as its still here.
Tag Aviation Traffic getting back to normal steady traffic
all Day

G-ORED Was formally with the Red Devils Parachute team .And was seen
regular in the farnborough and Aldershot Queens avenue Strip . Colour
Scheme then was red.

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